Elley’s teaching style is like “no other”. It was like she saw right through my exterior and zoned in on the heart of the matter of all my vulnerabilities. I’ve never had a lesson like the one I had with Elley yesterday, she gave me not only confidence and courage to “go after it” but the permission to be exactly who I am and that I AM more than good enough. Seeing Elley live in her truth (she walks her talk!) and is SO genuine, authentic and fearless was so inspirational for me to witness on every level of my being. I truly felt SO comfortable talking to Elley, I felt like I was with a family member, and I know God sent me to Elley to show me what is “possible” to accomplish in life with hard work, play, love, joy and most of all FUN! Elley has given me tips and steps to work on that I am very excited to begin implementing in my life, she is such an INCREDIBLE human being, and it was an honour to work with her yesterday. Please tell Elley that her generosity and belief in me is something I will remember for the rest of my life and her advice and wisdom is something that I needed to hear more than ever before. From the bottom of my heart, thank You Elley Ray! - Sheena Marie Jones